Written by: Wallace Merriman

How Exercise Helps You To Stay Focused
Posted on:Sep 16, 2018

Exercise – How Exercise Helps You To Stay Focused #youbfitip

Cardiovascular health is more important than any other single factor in preserving and improving learning and memory.

Science now believes exercise is not just good for your heart, it can also make us smarter! 

Medical science has now concluded that as little as 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day is enough for “Brain Training” for most adults.

More is better to enhance the other health benefits we all know exercise provides.

With as little as 10 minutes of exercise, endorphins produced can improve your ability to concentrate by assisting in blocking out distractions and improving your ability to set priorities.

Exercise helps us become less impulsive, sharpening our focus and enhancing memory. Improved recall makes our thinking more accurate, giving greater access to more important skills.

“High Levels of Productive Thought”, like those needed for a term paper, require lots of energy, especially when you need a boost in creativity. Serious creativity is more than a jolt from out of the blue. It’s hard work and you have to stay with it which means you need mental and physical endurance.

Unlike the physical benefits, exercise provides which build up over time, as little as 10 minutes of vigorous exercise can trigger the release of pleasure chemicals within our nervous system that calm us down, make us think more clearly, perform better and even make us happier. If you exercise today your brain will reward you today and if you lack patience, just knowing a fast solution is out there can be very comforting.

Every muscle you move also sends hormones rushing to your brain. There, they mix with a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, which plays a role in brain cell growth, mood regulation, and learning. “BDNF is like fertilizer for the brain.

A study in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory found that people learned vocabulary words 20 percent faster after intense exercise than after low-intensity activity.

Those who did more-demanding exercise had a bigger spike in their brains’ levels of BDNF, dopamine, and epinephrine afterward.

So the more you challenge your body, the more your gray matter benefits.


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